Future Family

Sister Cobb and I did weekly planning this evening. We tried it a new way this time, using 2 Nephi 4 to analyze the conversion level of our people and what pieces of conversion they were missing. Our weekly planning board is set up with the ultimate goal of getting them baptized because that is one of our final steps as missionaries in their lives, but the first step for them into a covenant keeping life. The Spirit spoke very strongly at the end of our planning, "You need to always do weekly planning as missionary...and as a parent". My mind then began to layout what a weekly planning session as a parent would look like.
My hubby and I would make time to plan each week. Our children would be our regular people as they work towards their covenant date, whatever that next covenant is for them. We would analyze their conversion and what kind of goals and plans we need to make to help them in their conversion process. Then on the same board or another would be the potentials and others (friends) that our kids would help us plan for.
As missionaries we remain pretty steadily involved in the lives of those we are teaching through baptism/confirmation and for a while longer. But after a time our interaction becomes more social in a way and less frequent. We check in every once in a while but by no means have daily contact.
It would be a similar process as a parent working with their child except they are working towards a temple marriage. And into the first few years after that temple marriage and convenant the parents are involved a fair amount, but that gradually does decline over time.
I hope the Spirit continues to teach me how this can be made more effective for my future family. I feel that I am gaining all of these planning, studying, and goal setting skills for incredible reasons. They are for my personal benefit as a missionary, wife, mother, leader. As well as for the benefit of those I am teaching on the mission and in the future. :)
 weekly planning with my hubby. kids are our progressing regular people. potentials are those friends of ours and our children who want the gospel. baptism=covenant. immediate family extended family. parents are missionaries in so many ways. children's agency. don't see that they have done very much.
*attach picture of weekly planning board*
