I get to Stay with Sis. Denning!
Transfers are this week and Kimball found out that her and Sis Denning are not being transferred. Which means...they will be in Pinehurst for Linda's baptism on Friday!!

Gluten free Pancakes

Stretch: Study Thoughts
"His hand is stretched out still" is a phrase found throughout scripture. A phrase filled with hope. Our Savior's hand is constantly outstretched; His nail-printed hand. It is a reminder of His love for us and nearness to us. For truly "he be not far from every one of us" (Acts 17:27). And truly He desires to lead us by the hand. But notice the scipture says, "The Lord thy God shall LEAD thee by the hand" (D&C 112:10 emphasis added). He will not FORCE His hand into ours and DRAG us along the path He desires us to take. No. Rather He is beckoning, calling, with His hand outstretched still.
I looked up the word stretch in the Topical Guide and the phrase that came up as a synonym was "Access to God". Wow. So His hand being outstretched is a sign of His desire for us to have access to Him. How do we gain that access? We need to stretch ourselves. There are literal examples of this throughout Jesus Christ's earthly ministry. In Matthew 12 we are introduced to "a man which had his hand withered". Christ came to this man. "Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole". (Matthew 12:10, 13) Our Prophet President Russell M. Nelson spoke of another example a few years ago asking, "Do you remember the biblical story of the woman who suffered for 12 years with a debilitating problem? She exercised great faith in the Savior, exclaiming, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” This faithful, focused woman needed to stretch as far as she could to access His power. Her physical stretching was symbolic of her spiritual stretching" (April 2017).
How are we spiritually stretching? In Preach My Gospel it reads, "Challenging goals will...lead you to stretch". We need to set inspired goals for ourselves and the work we are over (ie: the family we are asked to raise, the youth we are assigned to teach, the area a missionary companionship is assigned). Writing down goals and plans is one physical action of stretching that can promote spiritual stretching.
We also need to be willing to let go. Let go of pride. Let go of the the ways perhaps we have done things before and do it in a manner closer to the ways of God. Elder Neal A. Maxwell stated, "The surrender of the mind is actually a victory, because it then introduces us to God's strethcing and "higher" ways" (Consecrate Thy Performance, July 2002).
The Lord stretches His hand to us all the day long (Jacob 6:4). Let us decide ways in which we can personally stretch to Him and lay hold of greater peace, greater guidance, and greater love. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Monday 8 July 2019
Today we made peanut brittle with the Kucinski's and ate YUMMY pork tenderloins, sweet potatoes, asparagus/blue cheese/garden tomato salad, and ice cream fresh peach malts. Divine! I love spending time with them. We talked about square dancing, ballroom dancing, and much more!
We also went to Linda's and set her baptismal date for Friday, July 19th at 11 a.m. She is so excited! There will be a small amount of people there and then Linda wants to have dinner. I have a prayer in my heart that I will stay in Pinehurst for another transfer, but I also feel that another missionary needs to have the experience of being a part of someone's baptism. I was so blessed to have been a part of the entire process of Amanda, Basley, and Jason Day's baptism. I will gladly prepare others for baptism so that another can experience the joy of being at that baptismal event. How grateful I am for this opportunity to prepare people to enter the celestial kingdom. Furthermore to prepare others to return to the presence of their Heavenly Father.
We also went to Linda's and set her baptismal date for Friday, July 19th at 11 a.m. She is so excited! There will be a small amount of people there and then Linda wants to have dinner. I have a prayer in my heart that I will stay in Pinehurst for another transfer, but I also feel that another missionary needs to have the experience of being a part of someone's baptism. I was so blessed to have been a part of the entire process of Amanda, Basley, and Jason Day's baptism. I will gladly prepare others for baptism so that another can experience the joy of being at that baptismal event. How grateful I am for this opportunity to prepare people to enter the celestial kingdom. Furthermore to prepare others to return to the presence of their Heavenly Father.
Tuesday 9 July 2019
We worked on Days for Girls for a few hours this morning. It is a service organization that puts together kits for women in third world countries. I helped with it at home and now I'll get to do it my entire mission in North Carolina because there is chapters for it everywhere. We then went and got a large chick-fil-a fry for each of us because we were real hungry after. Those little things make a big difference. I need to remember that throughout my life.
This evening we went to the Kucinski's to visit with them and Dago. We were 10 minutes early and Dago still beat us there! Brother and Sister Kucinski are in their late 70's and so classy. They were baptized about 4 or 5 years ago and Brother Kucinski is an engineer. In his words, "my brain has been so trained to seek evidence, proof, facts that it made it extremely difficult to have faith." In preparation we had put together a set of scriptures from the Book of Mormon to read and apply to Dago, but we just kept thinking that Brother and Sister Kucinski needed to share their story. We didn't even need to ask, they followed the spirit and gave the entire lesson. They shared their experiences, their testimonies, asked Dago questions, asked us questions, and even shared a video from Come Follow Me this week called, "The Road to Damascus" by Elder Uchtdorf. It was quite refreshing. The Spirit was incredibly strong. Here we all were, two 19 year old sister missionaries, a couple in their 70's, and a 29 year old man. In that hour though we were simply all friends sitting, listening, and sharing. Brother Kucinski introduced Dago to a great book to help in understanding the Book of Mormon which he is going to buy. We also gave Dago a Come Follow Me book. We told him it is for individuals and families so he can lead a discussion with his mom and 2 brothers. And he sounded like he would. Wow. Here is this man whom when I first met him 2 months ago was aitheist and didn't think it was possible he would ever think differently. Now he is asking us question after question, studying day after day, and willing to commit to what we ask time after time. If that isn't a miracle I don't know what is.
Wednesday 10 July 2019
We met with all of the missionaries in the surrounding area's today (district council). It is always so nice to come with questions and have them answered by other missionaries who have experienced similiar situations.
We went to dinner at the Day's house. I absolutely love that family. I feel so incredibly blessed to have met Amanda, been a part of teaching her every single lesson, being there on the baptism day, and seeing the added light that came into her life after. In this mission it is very rare to be able to see every part of that process. Tony, Amanda, and I are already planning their trip to St. George to visit when I am home. I love them so very much! They will be some of the hardest people to leave when I am transferred. How grateful I am to know that this life truly is so short and I will be able to be with all those I love one day.
Thursday 11 July 2019
As Sister Denning, Linda, and I sat and watched the Rome, Italy temple tour led by two of today's Apostles I became very emotional. (https://newsroom. churchofjesuschrist.org/ article/virtual-tour-rome- italy-temple?fbclid= IwAR1IzoalI_ NbmWgb8nyNeyCajuMFZDdFpnInhC6i xML6lCEjl6R00x_33zo) At one point in the video the camera turns upwards to look toward the majestic chandelier, which hangs down the middle of the spiral staircase. Linda's mouth fell open (literally) as the words, "Wow. That is beautiful. Something just went through me" came out of her mouth. She explained at the end that she absolutely had been feeling the Spirit. In that moment my eyes welled up with tears as I thought of how much I have grown to love this sweet woman. I have been with her through good and bad times, sought to heal her through song, and seen her heart soften and change as the Spirit bore witness of the truths which my companions and I testified. I then was filled with the love my Father in Heaven has for me and I heard Him say, "Thank you for loving my child". I knew though that I should be thanking Him. In that moment of such love for Linda and from my Heavenly Father my heart began to ache. "Heavenly Father, please don't take me away from her," I pleaded. He knows though that my greatest desire is for His will to be done. I pray that the Spirit will prepare me for whether or not I am leaving this area.
Towards the end of our visit I began to realize that Linda will probably never have the opportunity to enter the temple while in this life because her health is so poor. It is a miracle that we can even get her to the baptismal font on the 19th. The only people there will be her nurse, 2 witnesses, the priesthood holder baptizing her (Jason Pratt) and the priesthood holder confirming her a member of the church/giving her the gift of the Holy Ghost (Jason Graves), and whatever missionary will be here after transfers.
I asked, "Linda, if you are not able to get to the temple to do your own work because of your health would you like one of us to do the temple work for you?" With tears in her eyes she said, "That would be nice." She also wants to begin doing family history so that her mom and dad's temple work can be done. Wow. We seriously have no idea how many people are listening to the lessons we have with people. For example Linda has so many family members who were good christian people now learning about the gospel in the spirit world. They could be learning right alongside her.
Today we also met with sweet Sister Torres. She was a less/in active member who I had the opportunity, with Sister Smith and Sister Denning, to refuel her love for the gospel and help her prepare to enter the temple. Her life has completely turned around and she is a missionary herself; sharing heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon with her best friends. One of her friends, Silvanna, said she is going to begin reading it every night. And all Sister Torres did was highlight 3 scriptures in it that she though Silvanna would love and put a sticky note of her testimony on the inside. Then she said, "this book means a lot to me and I have been feeling like I should share it with you." Yeah Sister Torres!!
Last night I gave the Day family a copy of my "thoughts on christ" poem with a note on the back for them.
I asked, "Linda, if you are not able to get to the temple to do your own work because of your health would you like one of us to do the temple work for you?" With tears in her eyes she said, "That would be nice." She also wants to begin doing family history so that her mom and dad's temple work can be done. Wow. We seriously have no idea how many people are listening to the lessons we have with people. For example Linda has so many family members who were good christian people now learning about the gospel in the spirit world. They could be learning right alongside her.
Today we also met with sweet Sister Torres. She was a less/in active member who I had the opportunity, with Sister Smith and Sister Denning, to refuel her love for the gospel and help her prepare to enter the temple. Her life has completely turned around and she is a missionary herself; sharing heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon with her best friends. One of her friends, Silvanna, said she is going to begin reading it every night. And all Sister Torres did was highlight 3 scriptures in it that she though Silvanna would love and put a sticky note of her testimony on the inside. Then she said, "this book means a lot to me and I have been feeling like I should share it with you." Yeah Sister Torres!!
Last night I gave the Day family a copy of my "thoughts on christ" poem with a note on the back for them.
Friday 12 July 2019
We met with Linda again today and started working on her family history with her. It is so neat to see how people begin to connect with their loved ones who have already passed on as they begin working on family history.
We also went to Sister Petersen's for dinner and wow that woman has gone through some pretty intense stuff and yet is trooping along and forgiving people who have hurt her.
Last time we were at Tony and Amanda's they were asking us about our favorite board games and such. Tony had been feeling more and more comfortable with us, but still felt like a closed book. He mentioned to us, "All I really know you two as is 'the sisters', but I don't feel like I actually know you." As we were driving home Sister Denning and I felt very strongly that we needed to come over for a game night so that Tony could get to know us better. We went over tonight, kids running everywhere, playing mexican train with Tony and Amanda and it felt like home. :) Aw, I miss that place! I wouldn't trade this time for being home though. I am finally realizing that. Though there are times (a lot of times) I want to be home I know that my mission isn't finished. There are still some more things Heavenly Father needs me to do for His children in North Carolina.
Amanda so badly wants Tony to have the knowledge she has now and be baptized as she is. Why? Because she has felt, already, the fruits of her decision to be baptized by someone holding priesthood authority. She felt not only a weight lifted when she was baptized, but she feels it every day through the gift of the Holy Ghost. She has recognized the added guidance she is receiving. And this is the same woman who a week before her baptism said, "I'm not expecting to feel any different after I am baptized and confirmed. I already feel really good." It has been a beautiful experience to see the light about her grow brighter and brighter. She talks with greater confidence.
After finishing Mexican Train Amanda immediately asked Tony what he thought about everything we talked about on Wednesday at dinner. She wants him to learn more so badly. The spirit was strong as we began talking and Tony began to completely open up. The Spirit confirmed to me that is was because we had come and played with them, hung out with them in a very natural setting. We learned that Tony learns much better in casual discussions. It was neat to then teach him about the Plan of Salvation in a very relaxed discussion that was filled with the Spirit. As he told us his thoughts throughout it seemed to make sense to him. They are leaving for a trip as a family so we won't be able to meet with them for a time. I am so grateful though that Amanda followed her promptings and Sister Denning and I followed our promptings to jump in and teach him the plan of salvation. It carries with it such a message of hope. And now he can ponder on those things throughout the coming days. I have personally fasted for Amanda and Tony twice and a few families in the ward has as well. They have many prayers being said on their behalf.