Dago we would really love for you to pray

dago: horizon=knowledge, sunrise/light=Faith, they are intertwined. Justice and Mercy- two very different principles. you need both in parenting. they work hand in hand just as knowledge and faith do. 
as we were getting ready to leave Sister Denning said, "I have been thinking about this the entire time so I need to share it, but you need to look at this from a religious perspective. Sister Wastlund and I were planning this morning for your lessons because we take time to plan things we're going to share. We both were thinking the same thing that we needed to talk about over and over again and I said 'Who is here that keeps telling us these things?' and Sister Wastlund said 'It's Dago's children.'" Dago's mouth fell open and he started to smile. Family is a big deal to him and he wants to be a good husband and dad to his wife and kids. (a few days later he told us that experience we shared has been stuck in his mind)
Dago keeps giving us signs that he believe even if he won't pray. Coming to church, reading the Book of Mormon. 
"If I was at the point of y'all I would consider it fact!" I replied, "That's what I keep trying to tell people!" We all laughed. 
Sister Denning and Rebecca were talking about the need for action with faith. And the need to truly experiment on whether or not something is truth. Trying to get to the point that prayer is necessary for him to truly know or believe. It was all great, but I was in a no beating around the bush mood so I said after they were done, "Basically Dago we would REALLY LOVE for you to pray!" We all laughed. 
