Woodstock Reunion
Grandpa Woodstock put together an awesome reunion! He found us a cabin in Island Park, Idaho and planned hikes, rafting, food, Yellowstone and a dinner theater. Along with arranging to have each of us tell about our ancestors at morning and evening devotionals. He even had Steve design some T-shirts. It was a great week!

Group Pictures

The Bear and Wolf habitat


There is a big bull elk lying in the shade.
This buffalo made our trip out of the park take an extra hour!
Mesa Falls was beautiful
Fun on the River
Mac's Inn Playhouse
Mexican Food
The boys were in heaven playing dungeon and dragons with the Uncles
The only mishap the entire trip was when Snoopy, Scott and Danielle's dog, was playing in the river and got a hook caught on the inside of his mouth. The closest vet was 2 hours away, so they brought him back to the house and all the guys held him down, clipped him and got it out! He is such a sweet dog and did so great!
Garrett was a champ and drove the majority of the way! 8 1/2 hours there and back.
And we found Gracie's missing gum when we got home around 10:00 that night. Peanut Butter really does get gum out of hair.