Kody the Comedian

I just had to tell you how much I love my little Kody! He has such an innocent spirit, and says the cutest things sometimes. On Monday for family home evening activity the kids wanted to watch one of our old Disney movies. Kody ran upstairs to choose one and came down a minute later and asked if we could watch "green boogers" and held up the movie "Flubber". We laughed about that one for a while. Today I told Kody to get his shoes on so we could run to Walmart. I know I have been running to much when he says "Do we have to run to Walmart, can't we drive"? Little moments like that just make being a mom worthwhile.


Breckan said…
That made me laugh, too. What a cutie. But his daddy would run all the way to Wal Mart!
Brenda said…
That is funny! I laughed to tears reading that! Thanks for sharing!