The Dentist
With summer vacation also comes a trip to the dentist. Kody and Grace were cavity free, but Kimball and Jaden had to go back to get some cavities filled.
This is Kimball Trying to smile with all her numbing.
Not so funny story...
Jaden as always needed to have the most work done. He suffered through it and was so relieved to finally be done. We finished and went up to pay and I noticed the staff whispering to each other. They turned to me and said " I am so sorry but the dentist forgot to do one of his cavities. I looked at them and told them there was no way I was going to get him back in that chair. They said it would be best to just do it right then, but gave me the option of having him come back in a few days. I left it up to Jaden who about flipped! He almost started crying and said he wasn't going to do it, and he would just brush really well. Thankfully the dentists wife was standing there and asked Jaden what his most favorite place to eat was. He responded "Golden Corral." She promised him that if he would get it done then they would send him a gift certificate to Golden Corral. She knew just what to say and he got his cavity filled. A week later Jaden received a $50 gift card in the mail. I was very impressed at how they handled the entire thing. Jaden took the entire family out to eat last night, with a big grin on his face!