Welcome Home Sister Wastlund- Returned With Honor
"This is the day every Mother waits for. It happened sooner than I was ready for, but I was so happy to have my Kimball home! She was a powerful instrument in the Lord's hands, and her service not only changed her, but many of her brothers and sisters along the way. She flew into the Cedar City, Utah Airport which was so small and intimate. We all had plenty of time to squeeze her. Ben was particularly anxious because he hadn't seen her in over 2 years while serving his mission in Spain. Jaden could not be at the airport because of a debate tournament, but saw her later that night. She collapsed on the floor in exhaustion, relief and joy when she got home. Well deserved. Ben's sisters Heather and Sarah created a beautiful banner for her, and grandma Wastlund of course had chips and dip waiting, and grandpa Woodstock had made banana bread and coconut cream pie. This girl is LOVED! Her release from missionary work that evening was just what we all needed, and Ben was to our house the minute she was no longer a missionary.:)" -Mom
