
While singing the sacrament hymn today (my favorite one, “As Now We Take The Sacrament”) I had a very spiritual experience. It’s not something that I want to share with anyone because I don’t want it to be true. So I will write it here and ponder on it. I suddenly had a sharp pain in my back and the word cancer came to my mind and suddenly the words jumped out on the page of the hymn like the spirit telling me to pay attention. I sang Silently we pray for courage to accept thy will, to listen and obey. We love thee, Lord; our hearts are full. We'll walk thy chosen way and I thought “I have cancer, but it will be okay. I do have courage to accept God’s will, and I will get through it.” Tears sprang to my eyes and I thanked Heavenly Father for the experience. After my mom died of cancer I prayed that I would not die that way, and told Heavenly Father that a handful of times. If it does turn out to be true, it will strengthen my faith in His will and help me to get through it, and maybe I will come back to this page and continue the story. 
