My Husband is a Genius
Proud wife moment...Garrett started lisenting to Paul Akers years ago, and loved his idea of "lean manufacturing." Which basically means don't waste, time, energy, motion or resources, but focus on quality and less wasted motion. Garrett has implemented this in his shop and if he sees a need or waste he builds what he needs. For example a cabinet lift using a drill as a motor to save having to lift and hold cabinets in place as they install, a dolly caddy with a retention cord that will lift as there is less weight so there is less bending over. He has also designed an install cart with all his tools and equipment in one place, so there are no more cordd running through thr house. He has saved his company so much time and money because of his ideas. He does this at home as well building dirt bike stands and things that people keep wanting him to manufacture and sell. He really is very inovative. I can't wait to see what he does with eternity. I'm thankful I get to be by his side.