Happy Birthday Grace
Look Who's 3!
Is potty trained
Is going to Preschool
Is beginning dance
Loves Barbie movies and her brothers and sisters

Grandma called and invited everyone to come have dinner and swim at Veyo Pool. I figured that since all the family was getting together we should just celebrate Gracie's birthday a week early. (shhh...no one tell her that)

As you can see she loved her presents!

Taylor even got some rest, while we partied!

Hot dogs over a flame are the best!

I think the kids favorite part was catching crawdads with grandpa.

Well...the pool was a close second.

Taylor was happy with Grandma for a while.

And then decided to dip her toes in.

She finally decided she just had to get in!

And just look at all the cute guys I have in my life.
