I forgot to take the kids picture before they left for school, so I had to catch them coming home on the bus ( hence the sweaty, hurry up with this picture looks). Their bus stop is so much fun, the people who live right there have built a bench for the kids to sit on, and were there handing out succors to the kids for their first day. They all reported having a great day, and have already made some good friends!

A learn to relax mom lesson:
I rushed after back to school night last night to buy supplies for the kids to take the next day, and then spent the entire evening getting them separated and put in the kids bags. The next day when I opened Jaden's backpack after school they were still in it! And guess what all the stress didn't get them to school any sooner! And didn't make one difference to Jaden.
I love the Sunday Afternoon pic. Kimball is getting so big! Cute kids!