A Christmas surpise for daddy!
As soon as the kids got home from school we started setting up the tree. We don't normally put it up until Thanksgiving, but they wanted it done before daddy got home from his trip. They were so excited to surprise him. The kids even helped me move the furniture and carry in all the heavy boxes. Jaden is my strong little man. He is so proud that he can lift as much as I can, which I am thankful for because I couldn't have done it without him. After the tree was up and the branches separated, the kids just went crazy looking through all the ornaments and finding all of the ones with their na
mes on them. Kody kept on saying "this is the best day ever." It is a tradition that every year the kids each get an ornament with their name and the year on it (I still have all of mine from growing up). they love finding their special ornaments and putting them on the tree (seeing all of mine brings back a lot of great memories). We played Christmas music and enjoyed being together. Daddy didn't get home until the kids were already in bed, but Kimball wrote him a note saying "Daddy we missed you, you are the best dad in the whole world. We hope you like the Christmas tree." Daddy loved it and said that he loves coming home to his family.