My Angel Army!

When I found out I may need surgery the day before the wedding my people came to my aid. I ended up putting it off and being there, but Gun and Lesly did so much to arrange the use of the Barn and Chapel and cleaned it all up, Kimball sat and drew out a map with me and took over. She hauled all my stuff up and was the real behind the scenes decorator, Breckan would magically appear every time I was hot and thirsty and hand me a water bottle, my dad pushed me around in a wheelchair, my friends helped me set up, picked up the cake and dessert decorated for the dinner, and kept me sane when everything was going wrong. And everyone including Kraig and Brenda are always there to the bitter end taking down. I couldn't have done it without all these angels in my life. I went in for surgery 3 days after the wedding.
