Mia Maid/Laurel Princess night
This cute Laurel of mine is named Shae. She has some special needs and is the sweetest thing ever. I have been trying to plan activities that the girls want to do. When I asked Shae what she would like to do she said "watch a princess movie." I told her that was a great idea, and asked the other girls how we could tie that into a gospel principle. I put Shae in charge of bringing the movie. Shae's mom told me later that Shae carried the movie around with her all afternoon before our activity and told her mom that she was in charge of bringing it. This melted my heart. We ate popcorn, did homework, and related the movie "Sleeping Beauty" to being daughters of God, who have been sent away, not remembering our home, to learn and grow and someday return home. We must be watchful and never sleep, but press forward.
Meanwhile...the beehives were making back to school composition books.