Young Women Baby Shower

  The young women and their leaders threw me and Sis. Roth a double baby shower this last Tuesday night.  I felt right at home with these sweet girls, and miss them terribly.  They tied a baby quilt for me with all the Young Women values.  This baby will certainly be preparing early with 3 big sisters to look up to.  The young women each gave me gifts of service that I am looking forward to cashing in on. Anything from cleaning bathrooms to yard work, meals and babysitting.  I also left with some adorable outfits and enough pizza and pasta to freeze and feed my family for a week!

 We played guess your leaders baby picture!
 And this disgusting game of smelling the diaper and 
guessing the food.

Thank you for the fun night!


You didn't even tell me like this! It looks like so much fun! I need to transplant to your ward!