Hinckley Victoria

Hinckley Victoria Wastlund Born Thursday, September 26, 2012 2:09 a.m. 7 lbs 14 oz. 20 inches long I was induced a week early because Doctor Lunt was leaving town. We waited all day long Wednesday to be called to go in to labor and delivery, but kept getting pushed back further and further. I was to the point of calling and saying forget it because I had not slept the entire night before in anticipation and was already very exhausted when Dr. Lunt called and asked me to come in. I was finally admitted and started on the pitocin at 7:15 p.m.. I was dilated to a 3+ when I got there and Dr. Lunt about killed me trying to break my water (which apparently did not want to be broken) to get the contractions going. In 4 hours I only dilated another 1 cm. and I was getting very discouraged. I have had all of my babies naturally and without an epidural and I did not want to ruin it on this last one. I wa...