Happy #4 Grace

I have officially decided that I am only have parties every four years. This will fall on all of the important dates (4,8,12,16,18) well, 18 will have to be thrown in there to see them out the door to college and mission. :) Then they can do something fun with the family the other years. So...Here is Gracie's #4 Her class at school celebrated with her, and made her this cute card. And then Gracie invited a few friends over for a "Butterfly Tea Party" She had more fun helping mommy decorate I think! Kimball and her friend Emily were even invited to the party. Pin the antenna on the Butterfly Tessa Whitney She loves her new shopping cart, food and cash register. All the kids have enjoyed playing house. Brianna and Grace's birthday are only a few days apart, so we celebrated them both with the family on Sunday. We love you Grace, Happy Birthday!