Summer Vacation

We decided to leave the pageant a little early to miss the traffic. Garrett took the boys and a load of stuff back to the car and then was going to come back and help me get the rest. Kimball and I decided we could pack up both sleeping girls and the rest ourselves and meet them. Well, we got to the car and the door was locked and no one was there. Then I heard voices and Jaden pops his head up. Daddy had told them to wait in the car and not open the door for anyone, (it was midnight) while he went to get us. We had passed him in transit. I told Jaden to open the door. He wouldn't because daddy had said no. Hello it's me! Kody finally opened the passenger door and the alarm started going off. Garrett heard the alarm, immediately knew what was going on and sprinted back to the car. We finally made it out of Manti

The older kids loved the pedal bikes.
