We spent the weekend with the entire Woodstock family for Easter. This may be the last time we are all together for a while since both Scott and Jamen leave for the Army in the next few months.

Jaden and Kody love their cousins.

The kids favorite part of the egg hunt was the Easter egg trading afterward.
Sunday, we had a wonderful turkey dinner and a lesson on the resurrection. Last, but not least, grandma displayed and awarded certificates to the kids for their Easter eggs they colored the day before.

All the grand kids
(minus one-Katie announced she was expecting).

We went with Jamen and Krista's family to the Aquarium in Sandy. It would have been great if we wouldn't have gone during spring break. There were so many people, but the kids still had a good time.

Jaden loved touching the stingrays.

What a fun weekend!
Looks like you had a great Easter!!! Cute family pic!