Stake Camp

The Stake Presidency asked to meet with me, and called me to be the assistant Stake Camp Director.  I told them I would be out of town those days of camp for my in-laws 50th wedding Anniversary, but that I would go to the meeting that night and see how I could help.  When I got there the stake Young Women president dismissed the stake camp director and all the adults to go to another room. I could see the look of shock on Cindy Hansen the Stake camp directors face.  We went into another room while Julie Gerth the Stake Young Women president stayed with the girls to plan. I was shocked!  When we were called to come back in, I stayed behind with Cindy to introduce myself and she burst into tears.  She went on to tell me that Julie had completely undermined everything she had been trying to do for camp and had thrown out all the ideas that her and the YCL's had already put in to progress.  She had told her before the meeting that she was no fun, and that she would be leading the meeting.  I told her I was there to support and sustain her as her assistant and she was doing everything right!  We met for 30 minutes and then jointly went and told Julie we would be running the rest of the meetings.  I felt so strongly that I needed to be there at camp to support Cindy.  I prayed that if there was a way I could do both the reunion and camp that Heavenly Father would make it work out.  I asked the Wastlund family if the week after camp would work for our anniversary trip, and it actually was a blessed change for everyone.  My flights were even able to be changed with no cost and we got into the original vacation home I had wanted.  I was going to camp!!!  The next week Cindy told me that she was prepared to ask to be releases before I showed up. Her and Julie the Stake YW leader did not see eye to eye, and she had just launched a new business, was in school, and was done! She asked me if I would be the Camp Director.  I told her we will just work together. From that moment on I did what I do best, plan and organize. I got everything almost completely typed up and planned and gave Cindy a direction.  From that moment on we were united and a great team. I have been to quite a few girls camps on a ward level, but stake was an entirely new ballgame.  We spent the day running from camp to camp dealing with seizures, low blood sugar, lesbian problems, girls taking pills to make themselves throw up, anxiety, sickness.  The moment everyones true colors showed was the night of the huge rainstorm.  We have river running through tents.  Some wards were packed up and ready to head home, but the roads were impassable (they left first thing in the morning).  They missed the testimony meeting, speaker and all the spiritual of camp.  There were those that picked up shovels and asked how they could help, and others that just complained.  I witnessed a miracle.  Debbra Sullivan was the camp cook for her ward.  They had a better protected camp site from the rain than most.  She made a giant pot of dutch oven potatoes with sausage, more than she knew she needed.  When the rainstorm hit many wards couldn't get fires lit. Debbra said "Send them up here."  Ward after ward came and ate out of the pot, and it never even looked like anyone had eaten anything. 
