My Job

I have felt keenly the last few months how this world views stay at home moms. Maybe more so as I have felt the craziness and inadequacy I feel getting my kids through the last few months of school. I am to a stage of my life that many of my friends have began working as all their kids are in school now. I had a few more children than most of them, and am still getting a few out the door. When we talk about our days and things on our minds I feel that many of the the things I say are passed over with a "at least you don't have to work." I try not to let these remarks sting, and remember what a great work I am doing! I am raising good human beings and more importantly children of God. I love to clean my home and make it a place my children and their friends like to hang out, I love preparing meals and gathering my children around the table, I love being available to run and grab them from school when they are not feeling well, or just ...