
Showing posts from April, 2016

My Job

I have felt keenly the last few months how this world views stay at home moms.  Maybe more so as I have felt the craziness and inadequacy I feel getting my kids through the last few months of school.  I am to a stage of my life that many of my friends have began working as all their kids are in school now.  I had a few more children than most of them, and am still getting a few out the door.  When we talk about our days and things on our minds I feel that many of the the things I say are passed over with a "at least you don't have to work."  I try not to let these remarks sting, and remember what a great work I am doing!  I am raising good human beings and more importantly children of God.  I love to clean my home and make it a place my children and their friends like to hang out, I love preparing meals and gathering my children around the table,  I love being available to run and grab them from school when they are not feeling well, or just ...

Pack Meeting

I have enjoyed being more involved with scouts lately, and had a great time with the boys Thursday at our pack meeting carnival.   My cute 2nd counselor 

Mom Perks

Kimball was asked to write about her hero in Health class.  I couldn't help but cry reading it! 

Bobcat Chorus

Mrs. Tolman we will miss you!! We love Mrs. Tolman and were so sad last night when she announced at the concert that she is retiring.  She has led the Elementary school choir for 19 years now, and my 4 oldest kids have had the privilege of being apart of her amazing music program.  She gets those kids to sing like no one ever could!  You will be greatly missed!


I have an abundance of roses in my yard this year.  They make me so happy and I love the way my house smells when I cut them and bring them inside. What a beautiful gift Heavenly Father has given us to have them to make this world beautiful.  They were even used to serve others this week.  My neighbor across the street came by the other day and told me that every year she cuts roses from her mothers house to put on her dads grave on his birthday.  Unfortunately all of her mothers roses had already bloomed and lost the petals.  She asked if she could cut some of mine.  Later that same day the activity day leader came by and told me that for activity days they were talking to the girls about being daughters of a king, and asked if she could cut a rose to give to each girl.  I am so happy my roses are also brightening the lives of those around me.  Beauty and goodness is no good if you keep it to yourself!!

Kite Festival

 The Kite Festival is always a huge event in St. George.  This year it was held at the college, and was sooo much more fun.  The girls turned in their reading charts for a kite, and we had fun playing games and riding rides.

Senior Ball

Tyler Weeks asked Kimball to Senior Ball.  He about gave me a heart attack pounding on the door at 10:30 at night. Kimball answered him back by leaving a surprise in his truck at school.  A week Later Jayden Wright also asked her, by leading her on a hunt following a string all around outside until she found his name.  She felt awful to have to tell him she was already going with someone else, so she left an I'm sorry treat on his door.

Spring Dance Concert

Kimball and Ben did an adorable number about a man and a woman who have lived together so long that they are far too comfortable with each other, and have some major disputes.  It was hilarious. Ben got himself in trouble with Kimball one night though when instead of swatting her with the broom he full on spanked her instead.  She was not happy and he apologized over it for a week! :) These are her cute coaches.  They surprised all the dance kids and threw in a number about Pants.  We could hear all the kids laughing from backstage.