Mother's Day Week
It was a very long week! Garrett is down and in a lot of pain from his surgery, and all the kids got the stomach flu. I prayed that I would not get it, or our little family might have fallen apart. We are all exhausted, but on the mend.
Poor Taylor got it the worst, and did not eat for almost 3 days. And then what do you think she finally feels like eating? A pickle and cheese sandwich!:)
Gun, Lesly and Breckan came over and cleaned for an hour on Saturday as my mother's day present (cleaning is the best present ever)!
Garrett and all of the kids wrote me beautiful letters, and my dad cooked dinner for me on Sunday and gave me a package with all the cards I had given to my mom throughout the years. I cried reading them and thinking about how much I miss her, but was also so grateful to have had her for a mother!
Katie had grandpa pick me up some flowers. I love roses!

We had fun writing things about our grandma too!
Katie had grandpa pick me up some flowers. I love roses!

We had fun writing things about our grandma too!