Woodstock California Vacation
Yes, the entire Woodstock clan (minus mom, but in her memory) had a fab time in California (thanks to dad). Love you both!
Day 2- Six Flags Magic Mountain
A very HOT day with a sick baby(Hinckley was running a very high temperature almost the entire trip), but the kids loved it!
If you love roller coasters this is the place to go! The kids section was also very fun!
Day 3- The Channel Islands
We went on a tour boat to visit Anacapa island a part of the Channel islands. Another first for my kids. Everyone loved the boat!
The island was an interesting experience as we learned it was a breeding ground for seagulls. Thousands of them covered the island. The hikes were fun and we saw sea lions, sting rays, and lots os seagulls! The boys loved jumping off the dock into the ocean. The trip had a tragic end when we all witnessed a man's death when he misstepped trying to board his boat. The dolphins on the return voyage did help to lighted the mood. Jaden slept walked that night at the hotel giving me another heart attack.
All those little white dots are seagulls

Day 4- Universal Studios
If you have never had a front of the line pass...GET ONE! So fun being able to enjoy the park and not wait in any lines. Worth every cent, though I didn't pay (thanks dad!) A very fun and relaxing end to our time in California!