Jaden's Baptism
We are so proud of Jaden for choosing to be baptized. He is such a great boy, and it is exciting to watch him grow and progress. He had a wonderful interview with Bishop Kohler before his baptism. At the end of the interview Jaden gave the prayer. I have never heard someone so young give such a great prayer, the spirit was so strong, and I could just see what potential he has in him. I was so thankful to be there at that moment and to be his mother. Thank you all of our friends and family for your support!

I said, "What was the most important thing about being baptized that I should tell my little Primary kids?" He said, "um, one of the most important things is getting the Holy Ghost after you get Baptized." And he talked about how he can use that now to make better choices.
He's just such a sweetie.