Family Christmas Party
The kids look forward to the family Christmas party at grandpa and grandma Wastlund's house every year. We had a delicious Christmas dinner, read the Christmas story, and then welcomed a surprise visitor. Grandma outdid herself as normal! A very fun evening!
Reading the Christmas story
Grace wouldn't have anything to do with Santa for the second year in a row, maybe next year...third times a charm!
Our neighborhood headed up to Cedar Canyon on Christmas eve day to find some snow.
the kids lasted about an hour and were ready to head home. You can tell we don't live in the cold! :)
Look at that big mountain!
Kimball had a blast with her friends.
Kody handled the snow the best.
Jaden trekking up the hill.
And then coming down...daddy went down with Jaden from the very top, and they wiped out on the way down. Jaden got snow down his coat and boots and he was done after that!
Our neighborhood headed up to Cedar Canyon on Christmas eve day to find some snow.
the kids lasted about an hour and were ready to head home. You can tell we don't live in the cold! :)
And then coming down...daddy went down with Jaden from the very top, and they wiped out on the way down. Jaden got snow down his coat and boots and he was done after that!
Christmas Eve

Since we had a big Christmas dinner the night before, I asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas eve dinner and they said... salad! :) So we ate our salad, and then grandma and grandpa Wastlund came by with some cute Christmas jammies and pillows for the kids. We set out the cookies for Santa, and the kids were off to bed (worn out from sledding I think).
And then Santa came!

Christmas Morning!
The kids all got what they wanted from Santa...a Wii.
And new Wii games. look how excited they are!
Daddy even got some new toys!
We also got a huge stocking at grandpa and grandma's house, after a yummy Christmas breakfast. And then it was off home for naps.
Merry Christmas!
Since we had a big Christmas dinner the night before, I asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas eve dinner and they said... salad! :) So we ate our salad, and then grandma and grandpa Wastlund came by with some cute Christmas jammies and pillows for the kids. We set out the cookies for Santa, and the kids were off to bed (worn out from sledding I think).
Christmas Morning!
I don't think I'm climatized to the cold yet either...:( That's my kind of hour away!
I am going to be in SG next week, are you guys in town? I just have a little something for baby Taylor. Can't wait to see her, hope you're feeling well!