The summer comes to an end.
We ended our summer with another wonderful weekend in Zion. This time my parents, Garrett's parents, my grandma Church and aunt Brenda were able to spend a few days with us. Toren and Ander were even able to come and enjoy some much needed cousin time with Jaden and Kody. The pool was open this time, and was a big hit. We went once, sometimes twice a day.

The kids also got to choose two activities to do on the Ponderosa. The zip line, bunjee tramp, Paintball, and horse rides were the activities of choice. Grandma and Grandpa Wastlund and Grandpa Woodtock even got in on the action. I din't take my camera, but we also went to a rodeo and barn dance, lots of fun!

Jaden, Daddy and Grandpa Wastlund geared up for paintball.

The two Grandma's with the zip line crew and Grandpa Woodstock all geared up.
Ander was the sole horse rider, but when he was done said "that was so, so ,so, so, so fun!"

I think the kids had the most fun on the bunjee tramp. Toren proved to be the ultimate flipper, although Jaden was harrassed the most by the employees.
Good Bye Summer!
Back to School!

Kimball, Jaden and Kody are in School all day this year. I am enjoying some much needed alone time with Grace before the new baby arrives.
We ended our summer with another wonderful weekend in Zion. This time my parents, Garrett's parents, my grandma Church and aunt Brenda were able to spend a few days with us. Toren and Ander were even able to come and enjoy some much needed cousin time with Jaden and Kody. The pool was open this time, and was a big hit. We went once, sometimes twice a day.
The kids also got to choose two activities to do on the Ponderosa. The zip line, bunjee tramp, Paintball, and horse rides were the activities of choice. Grandma and Grandpa Wastlund and Grandpa Woodtock even got in on the action. I din't take my camera, but we also went to a rodeo and barn dance, lots of fun!
Jaden, Daddy and Grandpa Wastlund geared up for paintball.
Good Bye Summer!
Back to School!
Kimball, Jaden and Kody are in School all day this year. I am enjoying some much needed alone time with Grace before the new baby arrives.
Wow, your family does a lot of fun things at Zion, I never realized there was so much to do! Glad you had fun with so much of your family. I am calling you next time we head over for more ideas on what to do, I love Zion!
Hey can we do a girls nite the first Thursday of every month? Starting Sept. 3rd? Let me know via e-mail or blog.