
Showing posts from April, 2024

State Writing Finalist

So proud of Taylor for doing her best in everything she does. She was recognized today in Salt Lake for being a State writing finalist for a paper she wrote on Youth Violence. She was awarded scholarship money that she can use when she goes to college. Garrett and I were busy getting the house ready to sell to Jaden and Kody were awesome brothers and drove her up to Salt Lake, and went to the luncheon and awards ceremony with her.

Brianna & Matheson

I am so happy Brianna found Matty!  He loves her so much, and I think they will have a wonderful marriage.  

Curtain Bangs

 Hinckley has been asking for months if she can get bangs. Well, we finally did it.  This pre-teen is a joy hang out with.  Lunch, a haircut and time together.

Primary Leadership Luncheon

For our leadership meeting this year I suggested that we honor all our primary leaders in the stake and do a luncheon.  Everyone unanimously agreed. The theme was "Bee" Lovingly Engaged."  I decorated and made flyers, Emily got sandwiches and tarts from kneaders, Deena and Cindy did veggies, fruit and chips, but may Favorite part of all was the primary children's panel that Terri put together.  She wrote them a script, and they answered questions and then opened it up for the primary leaders to ask questions.  They did so well, and really spoke with the spirit. We were all edified!   

Another Win!


Spring Concert

I love watching my girls perform! Of course Grace was the best dancer. Kimball was there helping as well as a coach. 

Noah’s Baptism

 I love to see all my nieces and nephews growing up and making good decisions.

Easter Festivities & Jaden’s Birthday

We started the morning with our Ward Easter breakfast and hunt, then Lizzie and Lydia opened a Easter basket from grandma before the older kids played Easter pong for prizes (gift cards, candy, $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bill) hoping to miss the raw egg. Whoever lands on it gets to let someone smash it on their head. Kimball got it this year, but Ben took the egg for her. We also had cheesecake and sang to Jaden for his birthday. He got a card with cash from us this year.   

Conference Weekend

Katie and her family came to visit conference weekend. It was fun to put together conference bags for the littles again. Hinckley and Rod also got to go to the Saint George temple with Grandpa Woodstock and Katie.