Provo City Center Temple

Garrett and I drove up to Provo for the weekend to spend a few days together and watch Kimball and Ben’s kids while they attended Kimball’s mission reunion. We were able to attend the local ward where we were staying and as I was sitting waiting for the meeting to begin I looked around at all of God’s children I don’t know. That is the reason I love to move, so I can get to know more people. I hope when we pass through the veil we will remember everyone and have so many friends to catch up with. I noticed an older couple with darker skin sitting, dressed so classy and full of the spirit. The man got up and bore his testimony and said “This month marks 50 years since my wife and I were baptized. The first and second person baptized in Jamaica. He proceeded to share a wonderful testimony. Kimball’s mission president was Jeffrey R. Hollands son. At the reunion they visited for a few hours and then had a devotional where he shared a story of him going to the cafeteria wher...