California Day 2

CHURCH We went to church in the morning, which was a very humbling experience. They announced during announcements that there were frozen meals in the kitchen for anyone that was in need and then handed around a sign up for meals to be brought to a family whose husband had been shot by a gang while out home teaching. I realized how truly blessed we are to live were we do, but also had the thought, that it would be great for our family to move to a place that we could really be a support to the saints there. It was a beautiful ward with a great spirit! Jaden and Kody jumped right in and helped with the sacrament and Jaden went to visit the home bound saints. He said he died about 3 times because the leader was such a terrible driver and ran a few red lights. THE BEACH Later that day we went to the beach to try and see the "Blood Moon." The kids loved it! Well, everyone but Hinckley. She made grandma hold her the entire time because she didn't wa...